Friday, January 20, 2012

Major updates...I have not posted for a while so here is why. First came Halloween.We were able to visit family in Arizona and go trick-or-treating with cousins. It was so warm there was no need for jackets or boots!Because there was no wind, rain, or snow we were able to go to a lot of houses for candy.

While visiting we visited a Wildlife Zoo and it was so entertaining. Max is enjoying a very slow moving turtle in the little petting zoo.Marley was able to feed a kangaroo!A double layered chain link fence separated us from this leopard...We arrived in time to feed the birds, they ate apples and they landed on your head at every chance they got. Marley was more brave feeding the kangaroo, she wanted nothing to do with the birds.We left beautiful warm weather to arrive at a very cold welcome home. She wanted to be independant and pull her own suitcase.When we arrived home from Arizona we packed up our recently sold house and moved into a rental house a few blocks away until we know where our future may take us...

possibly South Dakota?

Happy day in court! It finally happened. We were able to go to court and finalize the adoption for Max. The judge gave big sister a pink princess teddy bear and Max got a Christmas book.Marley had her very first dance recital! She was so excited, she stayed on the stage, did some moves, and no tears. Success! She has many more to come.Then came Christmas...Christmas morning!Max loved his Harley Davidson, he dances to the music and makes a "vrooom" sound when he rides.

And Marley was so excited to finally have her very own scooter that she rides all through the house.

Then...We went to the temple to have Max sealed to our family. I am so thankful for the ordinances performed in the temple for our family to be eternal.

We are so grateful for all of our friends and family who love us and our children so much. There were many people not able to be in this picture and we want them to know we are just as thankful for their love and support.


  1. k... Max is a hunky little thing! I want to squeeze him to death. How fun for your family!

  2. What beautiful children!!! And a beautiful Mama!! So happy for you and all your blessings this last year!

  3. Nothing makes me happier than seeing a family become complete FOREVER!! I am so happy all worked out for you guys... love and miss you so much. Now that I am back North we need to get together... I'm sure all our girls will get along and Bree would baby Max even if he is almost as big as she is ;)
