Monday, January 25, 2010

Family Love

Rachel, Hayden and her mom came over for dinner and it was so easy to see the similarities between Hayden and Marley.

They are so cute! We love you Rachel!

The SAS wedding

Congrats to my sas and Fronk! The wedding was beautiful and I am so proud of both of them.

Congrats sas! Love you guys!

Its Christmas

This is a random adorable pic!

Here is the family all bundled up to see the lights downtown.

Brrr it was really cold!
Daddy and Marley at a Christmas party. One of the many that we went to.

Isn't she cute even with food on her face!

Opening a present from Grandma and Grandpa

Christmas at my Dad and Sarah's.

Marley loves Elmo and Grandma Sarah got her an Elmo that talks, she loves it!

Uncle Zac

More presents...

and more presents

And Christmas morning at home!

Marley had so much fun opening her presents.

You can't help but spoil this girl.

More cute girls

Presents with Grandpa

Aunt Sas
and Uncle Frank

Stickers everywhere! Grandma thought it was funny.

She wanted to wear this hat all morning!

Happy Thanksgiving

Here we are on our way to St. George for Thanksgiving. Marley was really good for the drive there, as you can see, she slept a lot and she has food in her hand that she would not eat or let me take, so it stayed in her hand until she woke up and ate the rest of it.
Here she is with aunt Paige

and cousin Dani

Cute girls, they finally got a real checkers game so they did not have to play with the homemade cardboard one that Todd made for them.

Marley and Ari having a snack.
Here is what was left of the fort that the kids had made the day before.

I love my girl

So does Ari!

On our way home. The trip went by so fast, and again more food for the drive, it usually seems to make things go smoother if Marley has something in her mouth, this time cheese crackers.

We miss you all! Thanks for letting us stay at your house!